This Chinese Zodiac Prediction of 2023 is for people born in the Monkey years: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, and 2016.
2023 is the Chinese Black Water Rabbit Year. The first day of the 2023 Chinese Zodiac Year is on February 4, 2023. Chinese New Year's Day is January 22, 2023.
Monkey contains Yang-Metal, Yang-Water, and Yang-Earth. The Rabbit is the Yin-Wood. The Yang-Metal of the Monkey and the Yin-Wood of the Rabbit are attracted to each other. That is a sign of a love relationship.
Yang-Metal is a pair of hedge sheers. Yin-Wood is a small plant. The shears can trim and beautify the brush. Yang-Metal can conquer the Yin-Wood. The Yin-Wood of the Rabbit represents your money. Rabbit can bring good fortune to you.
2023 is the year of the Yin Water Rabbit. Yin Water is associated with rain. Also, the color of Water is associated with black. Therefore, 2023 is a black rabbit in the rain. The Water of 2023 is related to Monkey's outlook, talents, behaviors, or performance. The Monkeys have an opportunity to show off their talents and win a reputation.
For more information about the career, wealth, health, and relationship of the 2023 Monkey Chinese Zodiac Prediction is at
YouTube Video: 2023 Monkey Chinese Zodiac Prediction