Saturday, October 8, 2022

Goat Chinese Zodiac Prediction 2023

This Chinese Zodiac Prediction of 2023 is for people born in Goat years: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, and 2015.

2023 is the Chinese Black Water Rabbit Year. The first day of the 2023 Chinese Zodiac Year is on February 4, 2023. Chinese New Year's Day is January 22, 2023.

Rabbit is in the Wood group. It contains only Yin Wood. Yin Earth of Goat is associated with farmland or flatland. The Grass is associated with the Yin Wood of the Rabbit. A Goat and a Rabbit together is a picture of grass growing on the flatland. The Rabbit beautifies the Goat, and the Goat becomes energetic.

The Goat is a farm animal. It's supple, kind, peaceful, endurable, and less assertive. Goats and rabbits are herbivores. Rabbits are kind, friendly, elegant, cautious, and conservative. Goats and Rabbits can get along well.

Yin Wood of the Rabbit represents Goat's career. Yin Earth of the Goat represents the Rabbit's money. They can become good business partners.

For more information about the career, wealth, health, and relationship of the 2023 Goat Chinese Zodiac Prediction is at

YouTube Video: 2023 Goat Chinese Zodiac Prediction

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