Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Master Tsai Forecasts the Year of Brown Pig

2019 is the Female Earth Pig Year. Female Earth is wet soil or farmland. Pig is in the Water group. Wet soil mixing Water, 2019 is the muddy Pig year.

People will focus on global economy, which will impact people's wealth and career. The key person to drive the global economy is President Donald Trump.

Master Tsai Forecasts 2019 - the year of the Brown Pig.

Chinese Zodiac 2022 Predictions - Water Tiger [Master Tsai]

2019 Donald Trump Chinese Horoscopes
2018 is Mountain Dog Year. Dog is in the Earth group. Earth is Donald Trump Lucky Element. 2018 is a great year to Donald Trump.
2019 is Water Pig Year. Pig is in the Water group. Water is an unlucky element to Donald Trump. Water is related to money, economy, trade or women to Trump. Is 2019 the impeachment year?
2019 Donald Trump Chinese Horoscopes at