Monday, November 6, 2017

The Origion of Chinese Yin Yang Symbol

Where does the Chinese Yin Yang symbol come from?

When observing the cycle of the Sun, ancient Chinese simply used a pole about 8 feet long, posted at right angles to the ground and recorded positions of the shadow. Then they found the length of a year is around 365.25 days. They even divided the year's cycle into 24 Segments, including the Vernal Equinox, Autumnal Equinox, Summer Solstice and Winter Solstice, using the sunrise and Dipper positions.

They used six concentric circles, marked the 24-Segment points, divided the circles into 24 sectors and recorded the length of shadow every day. The shortest shadow is found on the day of Summer Solstice. The longest shadow is found on the day of Winter Solstice. After connectingeach lines and dimming Yin Part from Summer Solstice to Winter Solstice, the Sun chart looks like below. The ecliptic angle 23 26' 19'' of the Earth can be seen in this chart.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

2018 Chinese New Year of the Brown Dog

The 2018 Chinese New Year Day is on Friday, February 16, 2018.
2018 is the Year of the Brown Dog.
China will be 4715 years old.
The first day of the Brown Dog is not the Chinese New Year in Chinese Astrology. The first day of the Tiger month is the first day of the Chinese Astrology year. This day is called Start of Spring, which is the date when the sun enters the 315th degree on the tropical zodiac. This day is around February 4, each year. 2018 Chinese Brown Dog starts on February 4, 2018 in China’s time zone. That means Chinese Lunar New Year is not the first day of Brown Dog Year. If a baby is born February 5, 2018, then baby’s zodiac sign is the Dog, not Chicken.

2018 Complete Chinese Zodiacs from Birthday

2018 is the year of the Dog. According to the Chinese Horoscope Calendar, 2018 is the Earth Dog Year.
In Five Elements theory, Brown is related to Earth. Therefore, 2018 is called Chinese Brown Dog Year.
Chinese Year of the Dog will arrive on February 4, 2018. This day is not the Chinese New Year Day, which is on February 16. 2018.
Chinese Astrology uses the concept of season changes to explain the cycle of human’s life. That’s the cycle of the Sun.
The first day of the Chinese astrological year is on the day which the sun enters the 315th degree on the tropical zodiac.
Chinese New Year Day is the new moon day. They are complete different days.
In Chinese Five Element Astrology, Dog contains Male Earth, little Metal and little Fire.
Male Earth is connected to mountains.
The predictions of 2018 Chinese Five Element Astrology of the Brown Dog Year is at
Chinese Horoscope 2022 Predictions - Black Water Tiger [Chinese Fortune Calendar]

2018 Chinese Zodiacs of the Dog Year

2018 Chinese New Year Day is on the February 16, 2018.
The Chinese Zodiac sign of 2018 is the Brown Dog.
2018 is the Chinese Male Earth Dog Year. Brown is the color of Earth.
That’s why 2018 is called the Brown Dog Year.
The Chinese Zodiac Prediction is talking about the relationships between zodiac signs.
Chinese Five Element Astrology is study the Five Elements (Metal. Water, Wood, Fire and Earth) inside the animals to explain the fortune.
2018 Chinese Zodiacs for the Year of the Dog is at
Dog Chinese Zodiac 2022: Year of Water Tiger

Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Chinese Baby Gender Predictor

Chinese Pregnancy Calendar

The Chinese Baby Gender Predictor uses the  Ching Dynasty's Baby Gender Calendar Chart to predict baby gender using woman age and the conception month. Many women consider using this Chinese baby calendar chart as a gender selection tool for their next child.
The Chinese Baby Gender Calendar Chart is a statistic chart. The data is collected by the loyal families in the Forbidden City of the Ching dynasty. It's a cress-reference chart between women ages and conception months. This chart is not from Chinese astrology or a scientific research.
The Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Calendar Chart was revealed by a Taiwanese newspaper in 1972. Later, the Baby Gender Prediction Chart is posted in Chinese Farmer's Almanac every year. It said that Chinese Baby Gender Prediction Chart has very high accurate rate according the survey in the hospital's delivery room. The detail information is at The Origin of Chinese Baby Gender Predictor page...

Sunday, December 11, 2016

New 2017 Chinese Zodiac Chicken Prediction

Chinese Zodiac 2017 Red Chicken

2017 Chinese New Year day is on January 28, 2017 at China's time zone. 2017 is the Chinese 4714th year and is the Female Fire Chicken year. Fire is related to red color. 2017 is also called the Red Chicken Year or Red Fire Chicken Year.

Chicken is the 10th animal in 12 zodiac signs. Chicken is the month of September and connected to the season of autumn, which is the time of harvest. Therefore, Chicken is also connected to the fruit on the tree. That implies things will bear fruits in the end of Chicken year. Also, according to Chinese I-Ching, Yin Metal is connected to lakes, relaxing or joyful time. That means we can have a good time after diligence in the cycle of Chicken.

Male Metal is connected to air, wind or strong current. Female Metal is connected to fog or slow dirty air. We cannot see our future clearly until the fog disappears. That means Chicken blurs our vision and mystifies our decision. We need to wait for the sun appears or fog disappears.

Chinese Zodiac 2022 Predictions - Water Tiger [Master Tsai]

To provide your birthday, the 2017 zodiac Chicken Year predictions are available at

New Chinese Astrology Rise and Fall Life Chart

The new version of the Rise and Fall Life Chart is the Chinese Five Element Astrology using your birthday and birth time to draw your Rise and Fall Chart of your entire destiny. It includes your Chinese astrology birth chart, Five Element scores, your lucky element, the five elements of coming days and the lucky element guide to improve your fortune.

It's re-designed in HTML5 format for all mobile devices.