2017 Chinese New Year day is on January 28, 2017 at China's time zone. 2017 is the Chinese 4714th year and is the Female Fire Chicken year. Fire is related to red color. 2017 is also called the Red Chicken Year or Red Fire Chicken Year.
Chicken is the 10th animal in 12 zodiac signs. Chicken is the month of September and connected to the season of autumn, which is the time of harvest. Therefore, Chicken is also connected to the fruit on the tree. That implies things will bear fruits in the end of Chicken year. Also, according to Chinese I-Ching, Yin Metal is connected to lakes, relaxing or joyful time. That means we can have a good time after diligence in the cycle of Chicken.
Male Metal is connected to air, wind or strong current. Female Metal is connected to fog or slow dirty air. We cannot see our future clearly until the fog disappears. That means Chicken blurs our vision and mystifies our decision. We need to wait for the sun appears or fog disappears.
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To provide your birthday, the 2017 zodiac Chicken Year predictions are available at